Mileage Tracker

Manage your trip Deductions

At $0.14 - $0.67 per mile deduction for 2024, Tracker pays for itself in just a couple months. Manage Medical, Charity, Business, or Moving trips.

You can manage any number of lists because the setup is so easy. Here’s how:

  • Create a folder for each list you want to manage. The folder name identifies the list when using or reporting.
  • Place a copy of the App in each folder; Yes, you can copy it. The App takes care of everything else.
  • When January comes around, create a new set of folders.

To manage a list:

  • Select folder, execute App
  • Create any destination with its name and round trip distance.
  • Create a trip with its date, mm/dd, and select its destination.
  • Modify any destination or trip as needed.
Try it! Windows will likely complain about downloading an executable. Proceed anyway.

Download Tracker.exe - $10.00
Near Instant Gratification

If you have any questions, contact Bill Kandler at 805 202 9537 or