This program provides the most comprehensive support available for the design and construction of segmented vessels. It
supports frame miter, stave, compound miter and Ring Master styles of rings while computing all angles and dimensions,
displaying top and side project views, and generating project cost estimates. It has been doing all this, with ever increasing functionality since its
first sale 5735 users ago!
The program has many design features you won't find elsewhere, include painting segments (wood colors, compound
segments/mosaics, and graphic images from almost any image file), open segments , vertical spacers (simple or compound),
printed templates (segments, rings, and miter angles), layer-by-layer variable stagger, Zig-Zag designs, Diamond designs,
Sketch-A-Bowl, Shape-A-Bowl, and AutoBowl for almost automatic project design.
You can download the program's installation package right now for a free, 30 day
trial. It's the complete program with printing limited to the first 5 layers of your project. As soon as
you purchase the program and register, the program will print your complete project. Just Click
Here to start the download of Segmented Project Planner. You'll like what you see. As of today, 5735 people have purchased it. If you decide later to purchase
the program. Do not download and install again after the purchase. Just register using the information I'll send you.