Obviously, John Gundale has been busily tuning up his segmenting skills as you can see in this photo
of his work displayed at a local gallery.

Loren Harrison sent these two items. One is an Urn special ordered by a
lady in Burlington, Vermont. Her husband was half Cherakee. Included
was a deer antler handle and a dream catcher. Loren utilized the Slicer
Designer for the feature ring design. The white holly vase was sold at
the Buffalo Roundup Arts Festival in the Black Hills.
Alfed Spitzer jr. took on a challenge to recreate one of my early pieces, and did a fine job of it. |
Leo Thibodeau sends these three fine examples of what can be done in segmented projects. |

Andrew Baxter sends this very nice adaptation of a Gavin Sneed original. It garnered 1st place at the Bay Area Woodturners
Mid-Year contest for 2004. The dark wood is all Walnut, the center background ring is Box Elder that has a little spalting
and the light wood is Maple. After final sanding he put on two coats of Mylands Cellulose Sanding Sealer then buffed with
Tripoli, White Diamond, then wax. |
Lynn Baker just finished his first two projects using the program. The Spiral Bowl in the first picture is composed of
Bloodwood, Pall Amarilo, Imbuia, Zebrawood with a bottom of Santos Rosewood. The Southwestern Bowl in the second picture is
made of Purpleheart, Spalted Maple, Red Oak, Bloodwood, and Green Heart. |
Don Bratcher gets bolder with each new project. The first picture shows a piece with a feature ring made up as a third
generation lamination. In the second picture he has taken some license with my recent Evil Eye project to make his own
6.5" by 10.5" vase. It is composed of Purpleheart, Red Oak, Padouk, and Walnut |
Don Hebert made a small bowl using Walnut veneer as vertical and horizontal spacers between segments in this first picture.
It gives good definition of the piece. In the second picture, he shows a bowl that won 1st place in the Cullman, AL County
Fair in September of 2004. The bowl is Maple, Cherry, Purpleheart, Redheart and Walnut veneer around the bottom's pattern. |
Here's a new project made by Alan Ripps. The first picture shows the end result. The second picture, nicely set off by the
blue fabric, is the same project during construction. |

Mark Lisowski made this open segment piece he calls "Colorado Anniversary". It features fixed percentage gaps between each
segment. He's also provided the project file for it which you can find in the Plans section of the site. |
Al McCoy says, "I tried one of your gallery bowls. First attempt turned
out pretty well. ... I changed the top layer to all walnut. I used Soft
Maple for the main wood, and used Walnut and purpleheart for the other
two choices. Thank you for your program it works well." I thought mine
was pretty good but Al has done me one better. And his background
choice for the picture is particularly striking. This project is now on
display at the Museum of Arts in Orlando. In the second project, Al
started down one path and then veered off course to a new destination
by adding the feature ring. |

Phillip Ochosky, a Canadian turner, recently sent me this picture of an SPP project. Phillip has fashioned a feature ring
using the lamination board process and then combined this ring with single Maple blocks above and below it with thin
separating bands of a very dark wood. I imagine he did some searching to find the piece of Maple for the top. |
Richard Erickson has just come up with a masterfully hewn 24 sided
creation called the Kandler. The feather pattern is a stacked scroll
saw activity. This Southwest Pueblo Indian Circular Feather pattern
relates to the sun or creator. The second picture is of a piece that
was instrumental in Richard's induction into the Santa Barbara Art
Association in September of 2003. |

Ron O'Hara has been wasting no time since he purchased the program in
early March. Besides, it's been cold in Connecticut and what else would
he do? It's a good thing he took this picture because it's already been
sold. |

Ken Vickery, he's in the Atlanta area, shows off one of his latest
bowls designed using my software. With this one, he won first place in
the Turnings Category (non-masters class) of the Annual Woodworking
Guild of Georgia Contest at the Atlanta Woodworking Show in January
2004. He's been using the program since May of 2002 and has come up
with several enhancement ideas. |

Paul Thibodeau sent this picture of his latest project 41" high and 15" dia. (1,191 pieces) He got a tidy sum for it. |
Jeff Rondeau sent these pictures of his projects using SPP. Bowl 1 is 5" dia, bowl 2 is 8 1/2" and bowl 3 is 11". |

Steve Thomas provided this picture of a recent project. It's fashioned
from Maple and Walnut and you can see it isn't finished yet. I don't
think this was his first segmented project. |

Jim Myrick is new to using SPP. He said, "I have just completed my
first segmented bowl (my first bowl ever!) from red cedar and red oak
(four layers). I did not realize that the transitions would be so
difficult for a beginner---the cedar was like warm butter to the oak's
frozen butter! But it turned out nice, I must say. I sanded it down
from 80 to 1,500 grit and then applied five coats of 30-min lacquer
with 0000 steel wool between coats."

Ron Brown sends this picture of two bowls; one made by his wife and one
by Ron. Maple, goncolo alves, purple heart dots on one, zebra wood dots
on the other. These are their first bowls ever, first segmented bowls
ever, and for his wife, first turning project ever! |

Here is a simple piece, presented by Andy Hollar, made of Maple and Red
Heart. He sent me this in May and it's about time I got it up on the
site. |
Tony Burns, Australia, supplied this picture. Tony says, "The fruit bowl pictured (made from macracarpa & red cedar)
was my first attempt with your tool ,pretty quick I thought. What I need now is some imformation on creating intricate
patterns like the ones I see in the magazines" Tony also sent this second picture of a nest of bowls for nuts &
lollies. The bowls are made from hoop pine with the lip & centre handle from rosewood. |
John Dennis supplied these pictures of his first & third segmented
projects. In the second project he used Cherry, Birch, Purpleheart,
Ebony and an unknown species that he found in a dunage pile. It looks a
lot like Mahogany but it is very hard and heavy. 10" high x 11" in
diameter and 307 pieces. He used a hollow chisel mortise attachment on
the drill press to inset the Ebony squares. |
These are pieces 3, 6, and 10 from the long woodturning career of Tom
Sauer. He says he is a rookie and at 19 projects so far, I cannot
disagree. But, you can see that he is progressing rapidly. Tom has his
own WEB site at http://www.tswoodwork.com where you can view and maybe
even purchase his work. You can contact tom via
TScreativewoodworks@yahoo.com |
Travis Nelson created this giant floor vase using my program and he didn't waste much time doing it. He started it early
March of 2002 and sent me the picture in early June, same year. In his own words "It contains 654 pieces and 11 species of
wood. It measures 40 3/4" tall 12 1/4" in the biggest spot and 4 3/4" in the narrowest spot. The program worked great." The
second picture is Travis's newest venture; a spherical speaker enclosure. |

Ed Krause tried this as his first project using the program. If you've
looked into my Gallery section you'll see one of my projects that is
almost a carbon copy. It's interesting to see what a little different
interpretation will result in. |
Your program works great, thanks!! I have attached a few pictures of my first project....
Cherry, maple and lacewood... Can't wait to start the next one."
Nick Johnson |
Sam Carpenter sent in these two pictures of his first project using the
program. It looks like Mahogany and probably Maple. We can see that Sam
has mastered the solid disk layer. Good work! |