The diamond design, when done well, is a piece that will really show off your woodworking skill. And you can confidently take on the diamond
challenge with the Diamond designer. With it you define a symmetric Lamination Board (you can assemble it either symmetricly or
not) and specify the size and cutting angle to make diagonal strips that first becomes a zigzag board that then is split in half to
create the diamonds.
The Diamond designer is an advanced tool that is fully integrated within the Segmented Project Planner. The primary result of your design session is a report you can take to the workshop and start construction. You also get a picture of the
design you can use to "paint" segments within an SPP project. The designer has a complete help file
system that includes detailed instructions on how to assemble your own diamond pattern.
The design parameters for the active row of your project are displayed in the upper-left corner for easy reference while you
tune your design to fit the segment sizing of that ring.
If you've had trouble making perfect
diamonds, help is available. The article at leads
you through all the steps, perfectly executed, to result in perfect diamonds.